Dr. Mercola Chocolate Protein Shake
This super healthy Chocolate Protein Shake by Dr. Mercola, using his Pure Power Protein powder is packed with good for you ingredients and tastes like a dessert!
1 to 2 scoops of Dr. Mercola's Pure Power Protein powder
(We used the vanilla flavor)
1 ripe banana
3/4 cup of ice
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 Tbsps of coco powder
1 Tbsp of almond butter
1/8 tsp of almond extract
Mix everything together until smooth
My Mission:
My motivation, whether you are a member of the Mercola.com community or have just heard about me for the first time, is to make you as healthy as you can possibly be. This involves:
Providing the most up-to-date natural health information and resources that will most benefit you.
Exposing corporate, government and mass media hype that diverts you away from what is truly best for your health and often to a path that leads straight into an early grave.
Mercola.com is not, in other words, a tool to get me a bigger house and car, or to run for Senate. I fund this site and, therefore, am not handcuffed to any advertisers, silent partners or corporate parents.
When I offer or recommend products, I do so because I have actively researched them and find they are the best in that category for your health. I ignore substandard products, and products not directly pertinent to your health, regardless of any potential financial upside.
Partner Organizations
A portion of the profits generated from the sale of the products I recommend goes to a variety of nonprofit organizations. These organizations are geared toward protecting your health freedom and providing you with valuable information to help you Take Control of Your Health! These organizations include:
National Vaccine Information Center
Food Democracy Now
Consumers for Dental Choice
Fluoride Action Network
Institute for Responsible Technology
Organic Consumers Association
Rabies Challenge Fund
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation
Cornucopia Institute
Vitamin D Council
Grassroots Health
Alliance for Natural Health
All of these organizations are working toward preserving your health rights and to keep you informed. Please visit Mercola.org for more details!
And so, my qualifications: First and foremost, I am an osteopathic physician, also known as a D.O. D.O.s are licensed physicians who, similar to M.D.s, can prescribe medication and perform surgery in all 50 states. D.O.s and M.D.s have similar training requiring four years of study in the basic and clinical sciences, and the successful completion of licensing exams. But DOs bring something extra to the practice of medicine.
Osteopathic physicians practice a "whole person" approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. Focusing on preventive health care, DOs help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don't just fight illness, but help prevent it, too.
I am also board-certified in family medicine and served as the chairman of the family medicine department at St. Alexius Medical Center for five years. I am trained in both traditional and natural medicine.
In addition, I was granted fellowship status by the American College of Nutrition (ACN) in October 2012. In order to obtain fellowship status with the ACN one must meet a minimum of four requirements. Those requirements include: (1) coauthor five or more publications relevant to nutrition in referred medical or scientific journals, (2) demonstrate significant experience in patient care, (3) hold a doctoral degree from an institution that is accredited by the Regional Accrediting Organizations, and (4) maintain status with the ACN.